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WYNK is currently available at retail locations in 13 states:

Arizona | Arkansas | Connecticut | Florida | Illinois | Louisiana | Maine | Massachusetts
Minnesota | Missouri | New Jersey | New York | Ohio

WYNK is also available for sale online in 37 states:

Arizona | California | Connecticut | Washington DC | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine
Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | Ohio
Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wyoming

with a

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of THC

Now available in-store with select
retailers, and online in New York.

WK Cans 432x432 2.5mg 01
LA WYNK 14 min 1

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Which WYNK?

Taste 'em all ; )

😍 It’s a party in my mouth.

Like a LaCroix that takes the edge off.

Hangover free!!!
Sign me up!!

Balanced, Light, and Social

With WYNK’s perfectly balanced 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD, you can expect a light, bubbly buzz that’s enjoyable any night of the week. Now available in Connecticut.

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0 calories
onset badgex300px

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